Monday, August 2


gi·ro \ˈjir-(ˌ)ō\ \ˈzhir-o\ \ˈjē-(ˌ)rō\
noun 19th Century Latin

: a service of European banks that permits authorized direct transfer of funds among account holders

Like the lamb-based pita sandwich of Greek origin to which this term bears a striking resemblance, this word also confuses people who attempt pronouncing it...yet is nowhere near as delicious.



swith \'swith\

adverb 13th Century Middle English

: strongly, quickly

When researching this word all over the internet I came across only this one example of it being used in a sentence:

That thou doest, do thou swithe.

I rest my case.


Intentionally Left Blank

Oh Words With Friends™ youre one cheeky little bitch. I see what you did there. Tell me that it's my turn after giving me nothing but consonants. You think this is funny, dont you? Methinks you should pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. Maybe it's that hot dog i had at the minor league baseball game yesterday or maybe Ive got a hunch that you could really hit it big-time like some of the other greats (Sinbad, Dane Cook, Carrot Top, Gallagher, etc.). On second thought, I don't know why im giving you advice. You aren't very kind. Do me a favor and go dine on a penis.

editors note: this screen-shot was taken by me. apparently the Words With Friends™ gods are aware of this website and have begun taking their revenge.